Grandes científicos italianos sueltan una bomba sobre el cambio climático

Sí, hay cambio climático, si hay calentamiento atmosférico, dicen 83 grandes científicos italianos. Pero no es causado por el hombre, sino por la naturaleza. Los más abajo firmantes, ciudadanos y científicos italianos, instamos encarecidamente a los responsables políticos a que adopten políticas de protección medioambiental compatibles con los conocimientos científicos. En particular, existe una urgente … Sigue leyendo Grandes científicos italianos sueltan una bomba sobre el cambio climático

Portugal against Abortion

In Portugal, the Government exerts pressure on doctors to comply with the law of abortion which allows unrestricted abortion during the first ten weeks of pregnancy. However, doctors kept in the opposite position. Pedro Nunes, president of the Official College of Portuguese Medical, which represents about 35,000 doctors, stresses the right of doctors to conscientious … Sigue leyendo Portugal against Abortion

Los Padres Fundadores de los EEUU y la enseñanza

   Es incuestionable la calamitosa situación de la enseñanza de la Historia Universal y de España. No hay más que leer los farragosos currículos mal escritos que inundan páginas y páginas del BOE y demás diarios normativos oficiales de las diecisiete comunidades autónomas.    Los resultados están a la vista de todos. Buen número de jóvenes incluidos … Sigue leyendo Los Padres Fundadores de los EEUU y la enseñanza

Affectivity in personal life

   Affectivity means the subjective totality that acts, situations and relations are living with. It is gradually building up along the personal existence and is intimately entailed in biological, cognitive and intentional processes from which a unity is formed. To know -and love- action depends on the satisfaction of needs and tendencies and their integration in … Sigue leyendo Affectivity in personal life

Alcohol and smoking cause 36 million deaths worldwide

   "Noncommunicable diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide," said Douglas Bettcher, one of the leaders of the World Health Organization (WHO) in the last report about death causes in the world.     According to the document, these diseases cause 36 million deaths per year, or 63% of all deaths worldwide. Of these 36 million … Sigue leyendo Alcohol and smoking cause 36 million deaths worldwide

42 % of “in vitro” conceived children develop cancer

   42 % of “in vitro” conceived children develop cancer , reveals a study by the University of Lund.    Infants conceived with techniques used in fertility clinics, are four times more likely to have certain birth defects and malformations than children conceived naturally, according to a study by researchers at the University of Lund ( Sweden). … Sigue leyendo 42 % of “in vitro” conceived children develop cancer